Harbury WI Programme


Second Thursday of the month, 7.30 for 7.45 pm, at the Tom Hauley Room , Church St, Harbury

Contact Details - Julia Fowler - 07834 667 523; harburywi@gmail.com, or through our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/harburywi

Thurs, 12 January         Gilly Mara PhD, on Rowing the North Atlantic - www.gillymara.co.uk

Fri 27 January               New Year Party + The Five Daft Dames (Village Hall 7.30 pm)

Thurs, 9 February          Entertainment by members

Thurs, 9 March              Richard Brice, on A Brief History of Freemasonry

Thurs, 13 April               Midwife Alison Byrne, on Working with Women Affected by FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) www.fgmnationalgroup.org

Thurs, 11 May               WI Resolutions - to discuss and vote upon this year's national WI campaign.

Thurs, June 8                A WI archivist on WI, Past and Present

Thurs, July 13               Georgie Hale on being Shipwrecked in Antarctica

August, date TBA          Garden Party

Thurs, 14 September    Ian Carr, on the work of the charity, British Blindsport  www.britishblindsport.org.uk

Fri, 29 September         Harvest Supper & Entertainment  (Village Hall 7.30 pm)John Stirling -  

Life with  Morecambe and Wise www.aneveningwithjohnstirling.co.uk

Thurs, 12 October         David Moylan, magician at Warwick Castle

Celebration of Entertainment and Entertainers of Days Gone By (jokes,songs, magic) www.facebook.com/magicdavemoylan

Thurs, 9 November        Annual Meeting

Thurs, 14 December      Gift presentation ideas with Alan Keech -Thoughtfully Wrapped - www.thoughtfullywrapped.com