Hampton Lucy & Charlecote Information

Hampton Lucy & Charlecote Women's Institute

Our WI has been alive and well in Hampton Lucy and Charlecote for 100 years and in 2019 we see our Centenary Celebrations.

We meet at 7.30 on the first Wednesday each month, either in Hampton Lucy Village Hall or Charlecote Village Hall

In addition to the monthly meetings, when our speakers are many and varied, other activities include outings, visits to the theatre & shows, craft days and social events.

Our Centenary Year is no exceptions, when our speakers have a vintage theme and our 100th Birthday Party in April will be attended by the WI National Chairman, Lynne Stubbings.

During August, a WI Memorabilia Exhibition will be stages in Charlecote Village Hall Sunday 4 August – Sunday 11 August, and will be open each day for public viewing.

The WI has been a successful during its century and the membership this year stands at 30. We are always happy to welcome new members and you will be assured of a warm welcome. Have a look at our special centenary programme, come and join us at one of our meetings and see what we are about. We look forward to meeting you.

Or contact me by email for more details.

Kath Clarke
